For many years, education systems are in a promotion of education pupils with autism spectrum disorder. A conciderable number of this category of pupils are found in primary schools of Yaounde town which is likely to change the perception of many teachers. The objectif of this study is to describes the perception of the disability of primary schools teachers regarding school follow-up of pupils with autism spectrum disorder. For data collection of this study, semi-structured interview were carried out with five teachers who have in their classroom pupils with autism spectrum disorder. To better organise the interview, the thematic analyses of data was used. From the results obtained, it appears that the perception of teachers disability is expressed through attention, listening, individual control, the use adapted teaching matérials, additional hours, patience and the desire to succeed wich shows that, teachers have a positive perception of disability in general and the autism spectrum disorder in particular. This perception of disability by teachers will be an element favoring school follow-up of students with autism spectrum disorder.
Adolescent exposure to marital violence is also an anxiety-inducing situation like any other negative life event. This exposure constitutes, among other things, the most significant anxiety-provoking situations among the various victims. The literature shows us that anxiety among adolescents increases as marital violence persists. This increase is due to the adolescence period which is marked by a quest for identity. This study aims to study the psychological factors that organize the anxious experience among adolescents exposed to marital violence. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with three adolescents exposed to marital violence. The results obtained reveal that in adolescents exposed to marital violence, the adolescent’s life is marked by the feeling of losing the mother following the various injuries. This will create different behavior in the subject (fear, sadness, worry, stress and anxiety). This behavior will now generate anxiety in them and in this case, the psychological system will be invaded by psychological vulnerability, psychosocial stress and imagination focused on acts of violence.