International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
ISSN: 2028-9324     CODEN: IJIABO     OCLC Number: 828807274     ZDB-ID: 2703985-7
Jeudi 24 Octobre 2024




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Volume 41, Issue 1, Nov. 2023


Front Cover

The theme of the child in the work of Michel Tournier
[ Le thème de l’enfant dans l’œuvre de Michel Tournier ]

Author(s): Liao Min
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Computerization of the water distribution and consumption monitoring system at REGIDESO in the city of Kolwezi
[ Informatisation du système de distribution et de monitoring de consommation d’eau à la REGIDESO dans la ville de Kolwezi ]

Author(s): Antonio KANDURI TRINULI, Hadassa TSHIKOMB MUSHITU, Luc LUMANJI MBUNGA, and Elam Kyungu Lukomba
RD Congo
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Impact of peasant agriculture in the development of the territory of Kimvula (Kongo Central, Democratic Republic of the Congo)
[ Impact de l’agriculture paysanne dans le développement du territoire de Kimvula (Kongo Central, République Démocratique du Congo) ]

Author(s): Marie Honorine Lugangu, Félicien Lukoki, Moïse Losembe Konga, Alexis Vuni Simbu, and Jules ALONI KOMANDA
RD Congo
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Knowledge stock-taking of soybean agri-food processing related innovations in Benin: Case studies in Central Benin between 1980 and 2021
[ Etat des lieux d’innovations relatives à la transformation agroalimentaire du soja au Bénin: Etude de cas au Centre du Bénin, entre 1980 et 2021 ]

Author(s): Teko Augustin Kouevi, Aretha C.B. Saizonou, Davo S. Vodouhe, and Cephas O. E. A. Djossouvi
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Assessing variation of rabies antibody titers in domestic cats in the context of pet travel from Morocco
Author(s): Saloua Ziani, Khalid Sohaib, Youssef Lhor, Ikhlass El Berbri, and Ouafaa Fassi Fihri
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Mapping the Collaboration Network in Pastoralism Research: A Coauthorship Analysis-based Approach
[ Cartographie du réseau de collaboration dans la recherche sur le pastoralisme: Une approche basée sur l’analyse des coauteurs ]

Author(s): Yssouf Sieza and Alain Péoulé Kouhouyiwo Gomgnimbou
Burkina Faso
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Some techniques for separating discrete and random components
[ Quelques techniques de séparation des composantes déterministes et aléatoires ]

Author(s): Donald Romarick Rotimbo Mbourou, Gaston N’Tchayi Mbourou, Paul Makanga Koumba, and Marius Béka Be Nguéma
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Evaluation of contamination by heavy metals in soils collected from four public landfills in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo
Author(s): Engambé Christ Bardoul, Tchoumou Martin, Ifo Grace Mazel, Louzayadio Mvouezolo Félicien Raison, Ngoro-Elenga Ferland, Atipo Ngopo Frenand, and Moussoki Nsona Promesse
Republic of the Congo
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Adsorption of a basic dye on a fixed bed column of clay beads
[ Adsorption d’un colorant basique sur colonne à lit fixe des billes en argile ]

Author(s): Soro Donafologo Baba, N’Guettia Kossonou Roland, Moussa DIARRA, ABOUA Kouassi Narcisse, Ladji Meite, N’Zue Yao Jean Vianney, Koné Mamadou, and TRAORE Karim Sory
Côte d’Ivoire
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Ecological monitoring in the Bouna region in the Sudanese Ivory Coast: Floristic surveys for monitoring biodiversity by landscape region
[ Surveillance écologique dans la région de Bouna en Côte d’Ivoire soudanienne: Relevés floristiques pour le suivi de la biodiversité par région de paysage ]

Author(s): Kambire Sambi
Côte d’Ivoire
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Determination of the physico-chemical quality of resources in water from the Loka watershed in Bouaké, Central Ivory Coast
[ Détermination de la qualité physico-chimique des ressources en eau du bassin versant de la Loka à Bouaké, Centre de la Côte d’Ivoire ]

Author(s): Aloua Estelle Danielle Ebé, Yao Kouassi Serge Aristide, and Kouassi Ernest AHOUSSI
Côte d’Ivoire
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Study of the impact of domestic electric energy polluters: Case of the MV/LV distribution network in the Kakifuluwe district, CDM transformer cabin
[ Etude de l’impact des pollueurs de l’énergie électrique domestique: Cas du réseau de distribution MT/BT du quartier Kakifuluwe, cabine de transformation CDM ]

Author(s): Daniel Kasongo Monga Muswa and Patric Makanta Kaela
RD Congo
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Replacement of a copper cable catenary power line with one using aluminum cable: Cas de la ligne caténaire de la Société Nationale des Chemins de fers du Congo (SNCC)
[ Remplacement d’une ligne électrique catenaire de câble en cuivre par celle utilisant le câble en aluminium: Cas de la ligne caténaire de la Société Nationale des Chemins de fers du Congo (SNCC) ]

Author(s): TSHAMBULA MIJI FOTA Grégoire, KABULO MUTAMBA Timothée, and Tshipi Chen Kam’Hono Idephonse
RD Congo
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Physico-chemical and microbiological characterization of local beers of the city of Kara in Togo
Author(s): Bakaï Marie-France, Ouadja Batcha, and Kipré-Naura Marie-Estelle
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Emergence of donkey meat markets in the city of Kaele in Far North Cameroon
[ Emergence des marchés de la viande de l’âne dans la ville de Kaélé à l’Extrême-Nord Cameroun ]

Author(s): Appolinaire Zilhoube, Wappi Yeda Gervais, Djoumonkoua Amadou, Haiwa Djonka Pierre, Assakal Ezene Bruno, and Tounsoukna Ramlina Valentin
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Physico-chemical characterization of soils in gold mining areas in the Central region of Togo
[ Caractérisation physico-chimique des sols soumis à l’orpaillage dans la région Centrale du Togo ]

Author(s): Latifou Tchassanti, Atti Tchabi, Lallébila Tampo, Pana Kadanga, and Batawila Komlan
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American Orientalism, Religion and the 2003 War on Iraq
Author(s): Hamid Kbiri
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Socio-anthropological and environmental study of water resources in the North and North-West of the Central African Republic, Lake Chad basin, in a context of climate change
Author(s): E. FOTO, S. N. Sakama, O. Allahdin, M. Kembe, and O. Biteman
Central African Republic
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Antibiotic resistance profile of Escherichia coli strains isolated from lettuce (Lactuca sativa) from 3 market gardening sites in the commune of Port Bouët in Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
[ Profil de résistance aux antibiotiques des souches d’Escherichia coli isolées de laitues (Lactuca sativa) provenant de 3 sites de culture maraichère de la commune de Port Bouët à Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) ]

Author(s): Koné Tadiogo Naty Amine, Koné Adama, Goly Kouassi Roselin Cyrille, Benié Comoé Koffi Donatien, and Adjéhi DADIÉ
Côte d’Ivoire
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Main Explanatory Factors of the Degradation of the Vegetation Cover of the Galangashie Classified Forest in North Togo: An Analysis Approach Using Spatial Statistics and GIS
Author(s): Koumoi Zakariyao and Issa Nahimatou
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Analytical and numerical comparative study of the damage of a composite film based on cassava starch reinforced with coconut fibers
[ Etude comparative analytique et numérique de l’endommagement d’un film composite à base d’amidon de manioc renforcé de fibres de coco ]

Author(s): Ahmed Doumbia, Séri Séri Chardin, and Traoré Seydou
Côte d’Ivoire
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Numerical simulation of the power dissipated by the aerodynamics of a prototype mobile electric generator
Author(s): Sidy Mactar SOKHNA, Mohamed El Amine AIT ALI, Souleye FAYE, Vincent SAMBOU, and Mohamed AGOUZOUL
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Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) sector in the Niayes area (Senegal): Analysis of cultivation techniques, conservation and marketing methods used by growers in Kayar and Notto
[ Filière Pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum L.) dans la zone des Niayes (Sénégal): Analyse des techniques culturales, des méthodes de conservation et de commercialisation utilisées par les producteurs de Kayar et de Notto ]

Author(s): Malick TOURE and Papa Malick NDIAYE
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Effect of fungicidal formulations based on Cymbopogon citratus essential oil and two contrasted natural clays on seed health and seedling development of naturally pathogen-infested sorghum
Author(s): Tobdem Gaston DABIRE, Komivi DOSSA, Schémaeza BONZI, Younoussa MILLOGO, and Irénée Somda
Burkina Faso
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The intellectual capital as a predictor of a company’s future performance: A case study
Author(s): Hassan A. Medaghri and Fouad Machrouh
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Condoms use determinants at first intercourse and knowledge of sexually transmitted infections by high school students in Lubumbashi, DR Congo
Author(s): Vinie Mwanza Numbi, Berthe Tshikala Kosa, Isabelle Kasongo Omba, Rosalie Mugoli Kalimira, Philippe Mulenga Cilundika, and Abdon Wa Mukalay Mukalay
RD Congo
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Spatial and temporal dynamics of woody cover in the Kou watershed, Burkina Faso
[ Dynamique spatiale et temporelle de la couverture ligneuse du bassin versant du Kou au Burkina Faso ]

Author(s): B. Dembele, Alain P. K. Gomgnimbou, J. T. Yameogo, O. W. Ouedraogo, and Boalidioa TANKOANO
Burkina Faso
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The theatrical game: A didactic support with double competence
[ Le jeu théâtral: Un support didactique à double compétence ]

Author(s): Chouiba Manal
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Establishment of a global comfort indicator for classrooms in a humid tropical climate
[ Etablissement d’un indicateur de confort global dans une salle de classe, en climat tropical humide ]

Author(s): Didier Berléo M. APOVO, Sibiath O. G. OSSENI, Crésus GBADO, Vodounnou Edmond Claude, and Clément AHOUANNOU
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Anti-stress strategies and antioxidant potential of some traditional plants and salts used in poultry farming in hot climates in the Far North region of Cameroon
[ Stratégies antistress et potentiel antioxydant de quelques plantes et sels traditionnels utilisés en aviculture sous climat chaud dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord Cameroun ]

Author(s): Djaomanwe Denis, Tadondjou Tchingo Cyrille d’Alex, and ROGER PONKA
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Chemical parameters for valuing pineapple leaves into strands for hair
[ Paramètres chimiques de valorisation des feuilles d’ananas en mèches pour cheveux ]

Author(s): Samson Ahognonhoun Agossou, Mickael Vitus Martin Kpessou Saizonou, Sophie Reine Gbedossou Bogninou, Stanislas Edmond François Tokplo, Azim Mohamed Abibou, Alphonse Sako Avocefohoun, Acakpo Nonvignon Magloire Gbaguidi, Alassane Youssao Abdou Karim, and Léonce Firmin Dovonon
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Design and manufacturing of a new generation of multiparametric monitor called LIKITA CARE® by the startup YAYI MAKE NIGER
[ Conception et fabrication d’une nouvelle génération de moniteur multiparamétrique dénommé LIKITA CARE® par la start up YAYI MAKE-NIGER ]

Author(s): Mamane Kabirou Ouseini Salatikoye, Ousman Seydou Gnaly, Boukary Souleymane Abdoul Maliki, Mammane Sani Zakari Foumakoye, Eric Adehossi, and Ibrahim Maman Laminou
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The rise of civil society in Africa: A comparative analysis of Benin and Togo
Author(s): Lawani Ayemi Akessime
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Behavior of pavements with a base layer made up of Unbound Granular Material (UGM) in Côte d’Ivoire
Author(s): Bakary Kone, Athanas KONIN, and Augustin Toure
Côte d’Ivoire
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Factors in the invasion of the Comoé River estuary by Invasive Aquatic Plants (south-east Côte d’Ivoire)
Author(s): Abrou N’Gouan Emmanuel-Joël, Koffi Komoé, and Ouattara Mévanly
Côte d’Ivoire
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