International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
ISSN: 2028-9324     CODEN: IJIABO     OCLC Number: 828807274     ZDB-ID: 2703985-7
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Volume 39, Issue 2, Apr. 2023


Front Cover

Design of strategies for family SMES based on an organizational approach
[ Diseño de estrategias para PYMES familiares basados en un enfoque organizacional ]

Author(s): Jessica Leonela Mora Romero, Jonathan Edmidio Cevallos Guambuguete, David Enrique Robelly Fajardo, and Ingrid Paola Gordillo Jara
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Hypoasthesia lip caused by protective mask: A case report
Author(s): Anjali Sharma and Tushar Sharma
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How Hotel Could Design Community based Corporate Social Responsibility from the Community Perspectives: A case study from Phuket, Thailand
Author(s): Bussalin Khuadthong, Azilah Kasim, Piangpis Sriprasert, and Kirathakon Boonrod
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The Effect of an Evidence-Based Intramuscular Injection Practice Training on Intern Students’ Knowledge, Opinion and Injection Site Preferences: Semi-Experimental Study
Author(s): Meryem Kiliç, Çisem Meteris, and Büşra Nur Kartal
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Navigating the World of Video Games for Self-Directed Learning: A Digital Pedagogy Approach
Author(s): Jewell Ken V. Bañes, Sachiko R. Gubat, Kristine T. Soberano, and Jeffric S. Pisueňa
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Improving the Dyeability of Cotton Fabrics with Walnut tree bark Extract using Chitosan and Fixation with Environmentally Friendly Materials
[ تحسين قابلية الأقمشة القطنية للصباغة بمستخلص لحاء شجرة الجوز باستخدام الكيتوزان والتثبيت بمواد صديقة للبيئة ]

Author(s): Hind Ahmed Alsubhi and Asmaa Abdullah Salem
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Structure diametric growth and evolution of the stock of carbon species in the semi-deciduous forest Yoko Forest Reserve: Cas Prioria oxyphylla (Harms) Breteler permanent plot in the northern block (Ubundu, Orientale Province, DRC)
[ Structure, accroissement diametrique et évolution du stock de carbone des essences de la foret semi-caducifoliée de la Reserve Forestière de Yoko: Cas de Prioria oxyphylla (Harms) Breteler dans la parcelle permanente du bloc Nord (Ubundu, Province de la Tshopo, RD Congo) ]

Author(s): Bourgeoisie P. Isetcha, Denis B. Waokoto, Jean-Hilaire B. Asumani, Michel K. Mose, Francine B. Kirongozi, Jacques N. Tshatshambe, Roger L. Katusi, and Christophe Lomba
RD Congo
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Analysis of land use dynamics and economic impacts of sustainable land management in the Tillaberi Region of Niger
[ Analyse de la dynamique d’occupation du sol et des retombées économiques de la Gestion Durable des Terres dans la Région de Tillabéri au Niger ]

Author(s): Ali MAHAMADOU, ALLAHI BIZO Ismaël, ISSA Garba, and Halidou Maiga Nafissatou
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Effect of climate variability on farm income in southwestern Chad: The case of family farms in Moundou
[ Effet de la variabilité climatique sur les revenus agricoles au sud-ouest du Tchad: Cas des exploitations agricoles familiales de Moundou ]

Author(s): Ali MAHAMADOU, Allarassem NDLKAG, and Halidou Maiga Nafissatou
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Two onion’s varieties (Allium cepa L.) tolerant to Fusarium basal rot disease in Burkina Faso
[ Deux variétés d’oignon (Allium cepa L.) tolérantes à la pourriture basale fusarienne au Burkina Faso ]

Author(s): Tobdem Gaston DABIRE, Stéphane Dabire, Schémaéza Bonzi, and Irénée Somda
Burkina Faso
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Agent clocking system by RFID electronic badge at the Lualaba revenue direction
[ Système de pointage des agents par badge électronique RFID à la direction des recettes du Lualaba ]

Author(s): Elam Kyungu Lukomba, Bertin Umba Nkulu, Grâce Mwangal Kapend, Placide MWEPU MALANGO, Vivien MUMBA KYANKASU, and Penouël HEMEDY KAHOLA
RD Congo
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Contribution of NICTs in market gardening in the city of Lubumbashi
[ Apport des NTICs dans la culture maraîchère dans la ville de Lubumbashi ]

Author(s): Elam Kyungu Lukomba, Bertin Umba Nkulu, Penouël HEMEDY KAHOLA, Grâce Mwangal Kapend, and Placide MWEPU MALANGO
RD Congo
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Short-term effect of calcined phosphate rock on soil macrofauna diversity and abundance in lixisol in a semi-arid area of Burkina Faso
Author(s): Boubacar Traore, Mamoudou Traore, Sibiri Birba, Hassan Bismarck NACRO, Papa Saliou Sarr, and Badiori Ouattara
Burkina Faso
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Influence of residual stresses on the service life of structures under variable amplitude loading
[ Influence des contraintes résiduelles sur la durée de vie des structures en acier sous chargement d’amplitude variables ]

Author(s): Djonglibet Wel-Doret, Tikri Bianzeube, Dougabka Dao, and Samson Mbairangone
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Local governance for the sustainable management of water in post-certification in the areas of National Program of Sanitized Schools and Villages (NPSSV) at Tshopo Province in Democratic Republic of the Congo
Author(s): Basandja Longembe Eugene, Panda Lukongo Kitronza Jean, and Joris Losimba Likwela
RD Congo
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The impact of the management of migratory flows on Euro-Moroccan relations following political changes in the southern Mediterranean
[ L’impact de la gestion des flux migratoires sur les relations euro-marocaines suite aux changements politiques dans le sud de la Méditerranée ]

Author(s): Taoufyq Lamlili
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From Sport Tourism to Geosport
Author(s): Saïd Mirari and Ali Aoulad Sidi Mhend
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Comparative study of heavy metal induced stress on catalase of germinating melon seeds (Citrullus lanatus and Cucumis sativus)
Author(s): A.I. Obodoeze, E.N. Ibezim, and I.O. Ajawobu
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Incubators in Search of Performance: A Review of Key Performance Models in the Literature
Author(s): Samia Fakhri, Abdelaziz Bahoussa, and Zakaria LARABI
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Prevalence of Salmonella in food products of animal origin marketed in Rabat, Morocco
[ Prévalence de Salmonella Spp. dans les produits alimentaires d’origine animale commercialisés à Rabat, Maroc ]

Author(s): MOTASSIM El Hanafi, BOUCHRIF Brahim, DERKAOUI Sami, DAHANI Said, ZYATE Nadia, BOUCHRITI Nourredine, NASSIK Saadia, and KARIB Hakim
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Megakaryocytic blast crisis in a chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patient: A Case report
[ Transformation d’une leucémie myéloïde chronique (LMC) en Leucémie aigue mégacaryoblastique: A propos d’un cas ]

Author(s): Zineb Karouchi, Hanae Bencharef, Aya Rachidi, and Bouchra Oukkache
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The Portfolio: A Tool for the Formative Assessment of Student Teachers
Author(s): Nezha El Mahmouhi, Souad Kemmou, Mohamed Benbrahim, and Hafida Rachidi
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Profile and skills of documentary information specialists in the digital age: Case of African professionals
[ Profil et compétences des spécialistes de l’information documentaire à l’ère du numérique: Cas des professionnels africains ]

Author(s): Tang-Irmi Dinza and Dia Mamadou
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Smoke and fire detection by a convolutional neural network based on a combinatorial model
Author(s): Tidiane Fofana, Sié OUATTARA, and Alain Clement
Côte d’Ivoire
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Nutritional status and intestinal parasites among residents of the rural commune of Niou, Burkina Faso
[ Statut Nutritionnel et parasitoses intestinales chez des habitants de la commune rurale de Niou, Burkina Faso ]

Author(s): Boubacar Savadogo, Tasseré Kindo, Drissa Sanou, Moustapha Nikiema, Justine Kabore, Nawidimbasba Augustin Zeba, and Awa Gneme
Burkina Faso
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Knowledge and observance of partogram completeness by nurses in Kisantu maternity wards in Kongo-central, Democratic Republic of Congo
[ Connaissance et observance de la complétude du partogramme par les infirmières dans les maternités de Kisantu au Kongo-central, République Démocratique du Congo ]

Author(s): K. K. Kena, N.B. Mukuna, N. J. Nsimba, and D.K. Muamba
RD Congo
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Temporal dynamics of natural infestations of aquatic Heteroptera by Mycobacterium ulcerans in two health districts with different endemicity to Buruli ulcer, in southern Côte d’Ivoire
[ Dynamique temporelle des infestations naturelles des hétéroptères aquatiques par Mycobacterium ulcerans dans deux districts sanitaires à endémicité différente à l’ulcère de Buruli, au Sud de la Côte d’Ivoire ]

Author(s): Allali Kouadio Bernard, Konan Kouassi Lambert, Coulibaly Zankoungo Ibrahima, Mireille Dosso, and N’GORAN Kouakou Eliézer
Côte d’Ivoire
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Adenoid cystic carcinoma of Bartholin’s gland: A case report
[ Carcinome adénoïde kystique de la glande de Bartholin: A propos d’un cas ]

Author(s): Chaymaa Mohammadine, Zineb Aboueddahab, Wissal Zahir, Samia Tligui, Rachid Maakoul, and Samir Bargach
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Colloid carcinoma of the breast: A review of three cases
[ Carcinome colloïde du sein: A propos de trois cas ]

Author(s): Chaymaa Mohammadine, Zineb Aboueddahab, Wissal Zahir, Samia Tligui, Fatima E Hassouni, and Samir Bargach
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Physicochemical characterization of leachates from two landfills in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo
Author(s): Tchoumou Martin, Ndokadiki Rêve Charlène, Ngoro-Elenga Ferland, and Engambe Christ Bardol
Republic of the Congo
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Evaluation in vivo of the antiplasmodial activity of extracts of Artemisia annua L., Alisicarpus ovalifolius (SCHUM. et THONN.) J. LEONARD. and Securidaka longepediculata FRESS. in nmri mice infected with Plasmodium berghei NK 65
[ Evaluation in vivo de l’activité antiplasmodiale des extraits de Artemisia annua L., Alisicarpus ovalifolius (SCHUM. et THONN.) J. LEONARD. et de Securidaka longepediculata FRESS. chez la souris nmri infestée par le Plasmodium berghei NK 65 ]

Author(s): Amadou Mounkaila Hamissou, Souley Kallo Moutari, Oubayyou Abdoulaye Mamoudou, Idrissa Moussa, Mahamane Ali, and Ikhri Kalid
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Study of the level of parasitism of the larvae and pupae of Eldana saccharina Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on the sugar complex of Borotou-Koro (Côte d'Ivoire)
[ Etude du niveau de parasitisme des larves et chrysalides de Eldana saccharina Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) sur le complexe sucrier de Borotou-Koro (Côte d’Ivoire) ]

Author(s): Kouassi Kouassi Virgile, Kouame Konan Didier, Johnson Félicia, Ble-Binate Nozéné, Coulibaly Sié Yann Stéphane, Yao Kouadio Jacques-Edouard, and Daouda KONE
Côte d’Ivoire
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Digital communication and practical physical and sports maintenance activities in the city of Ouagadougou
Author(s): ILBOUDO Salfo, MOUKALA MAMPASSI Thècle Sabine, KABORE Prosper, KALAGA K. Martin, and SONGNABA Florent
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Didactic analysis of the first session of a learning situation of three teachers of physical education and sports in Benin
[ Analyse didactique de la première séance d’une situation d’apprentissage de trois enseignants d’éducation physique et sportive au Benin ]

Author(s): Agbodjogbe D. Basile, M. Ogueboule Bachar, Atoun Carlos Eméry, Attikleme Kossivi, and Fadebi Elidja
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Improvement indices and agromorphological diversity of false sesame (Ceratotheca sesamoides Endl.) in Burkina Faso
Author(s): Dramane Kabore, Renan Ernest Traore, Pingawindé Sawadogo, Siédou Sory, and Sakande Boureima
Burkina Faso
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Investigation of new cocoa bean fermentation media in the main cocoa production regions (Haut-Sassandra, Nawa and Bas-Sassandra) in Côte d’Ivoire
[ Investigation des nouveaux supports de fermentation des fèves de cacao dans les principales régions de production de cacao (Haut-Sassandra, Nawa et Bas-Sassandra) en Côte d’Ivoire ]

Author(s): Konan Kouakou Ahossi, Coulibaly Ibourahema, Kouassi Kra Athanase, Foba Foba Stéphane, Coulibaly Mendjara, and Konate Ibrahim
Côte d’Ivoire
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Independent administrative authorities and regulatory power: Justified emergence and conditional delegation
[ Les autorités administratives indépendantes et le pouvoir réglementaire: Emergence justifiée et délégation conditionnée ]

Author(s): Jamal Riad and Abdessamad El Harchiche
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Soil organic carbon storage potential under three types of perennial crops (Cocoa, hevea and oil palm) in the department of Daloa (Centre-West of Côte d’Ivoire)
[ Potentiel de stockage du carbone organique dans des sols sous trois types de cultures pérennes (cacao, hévéa et palmier à huile) dans le département de Daloa (Centre-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire) ]

Author(s): Toure Bessimory, Zro Bi Gohi Ferdinand, Abobi Akré Hebert Damien, and Youl Ery Hortense
Côte d’Ivoire
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The role of FDI in reducing migratory flows in Tunisia
[ Le rôle des IDE dans la réduction des flux migratoires en Tunisie ]

Author(s): Leila Nasri
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From « applied media aesthetics » to a general aesthetics of television news discourse
[ De « l’esthétique médiatique appliquée » à une esthétique générale du discours télévisuel d’information ]

Author(s): Manal El Akhdari
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Determinants based on a setting health mutual in Lubero town (Province of North Kivu in Democratic Republic of the Congo)
[ Déterminants de la mise en place d’une mutuelle de santé dans la cité de Lubero (Province du Nord-Kivu en République démocratique du Congo) ]

Author(s): Kakule Sivihwa Amos, Kambale Karafuli Léopold, and Kabuyaya Mwanamulere Osée
RD Congo
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Didactic strategies of environmental education in DR Congo: Teaching practices at the final level of primary education in the city of Bunia (Province of Ituri)
[ Stratégies didactiques de l’éducation environnementale en RD Congo: Les pratiques enseignantes au degré terminal de l’Enseignement primaire dans la ville de Bunia (Province de l’Ituri) ]

Author(s): Cwinya’ay Wong’a Pascal, Niyonkuru Charles, and Bapolisi Bahuga Paulin
RD Congo
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Study of the Diode Current of a Silicon Solar cell in Dynamic Frequency Regime under Monochromatic Illumination in the Presence of the Magnetic Field and the Irradiation Energy
Author(s): El Hadji Ndiaye, Seydou Faye, Fatimata BA, Mor Ndiaye, and Issa Diagne
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Strong sustainability as a system for harming future generations and the Congolese environment: Challenges and perspectives of the mining sector
[ La soutenabilité forte comme système d’atteinte aux générations futures et à l’environnement congolais: Enjeux et perspectives du secteur minier ]

Author(s): Isaac Kyamusoke Cyprien
RD Congo
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The Emergence of Corporate Social Responsibility in Africa: State of play and outlook
[ L’émergence de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises en Afrique: État des lieux et perspectives ]

Author(s): Isaac Kyamusoke Cyprien
RD Congo
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Land issues and urbanization in Luwowoshi: Process of construction and appropriation of the place
[ Enjeux fonciers et urbanisation à Luwowoshi : Processus de construction et d’appropriation du lieu ]

Author(s): Balloy Mwanza Perry, Katenda Kankokwe Cathy, and Philippe Hanocq
RD Congo
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Socio-economic issues and urbanization: Household precariousness, vulnerability of urban groups in the Luwowoshi district
[ Enjeux socio-économiques et urbanisation: Précarité des ménages, vulnérabilité des groupements urbains au quartier Luwowoshi ]

Author(s): Balloy Mwanza Perry, Katenda Kankokwe Cathy, and Philippe Hanocq
RD Congo
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Evaluation of the zootechnical performance during the grow-out phase of an improved strain of Oreochromis niloticus reared in ponds in the Ivorian environment
[ Evaluation des performances zootechniques en phase de grossissement d’une souche améliorée de Oreochromis niloticus élevée en étangs dans l’environnement ivoirien ]

Author(s): TRE BI Tré Christian Omer, ANVO Morgane Paul Magouana, DOUMBIA Lassina, and KOUASSI N’Gouan Cyrille
Côte d’Ivoire
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The impact of arts employment on creativity and academic achievement in Morocco’s middle schools: A descriptive study
Author(s): Omar El Blidi and Khadija El Blidi
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Modeling a geographical information system for effective management of a medium voltage network using the technique of effectively earthed neutral
[ Modélisation d’un système d’information géographique pour une gestion performante d’un réseau moyenne tension par la technique du neutre effectivement mis à la terre ]

Author(s): Monkila Nkiwa Barthelemy, Muaka Ndombe Makula Justin, Jérôme Mwenze Ndala, and Teddy Lwamba Muba
RD Congo
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Finite element modeling and optimization of the infrared heating step for the heat treatment of PET preforms using the Linear Quadratic (LQR) control: Application to the infrared oven of the FG-8 industrial blower of the factory of VALVITA mineral water production
[ Modélisation par éléments finis et optimisation de l’étape de chauffage infrarouge pour le traitement thermique de préformes en PET à l’aide de la commande Linéaire Quadratique (LQR) : Application au four infrarouge de la souffleuse industrielle FG-8 de l’usine de production d’eau minérale VALVITA ]

Author(s): KONGOLO MONGA Epaphrodite, Moïse MUKEPE KAHILU, and Jacques KADIMA KAZAKU
RD Congo
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The writing of wandering in « L’aîné des orphelins » by Tierno Monénembo
[ L’écriture de l’errance dans « L’aîné des orphelins » de Tierno Monénembo ]

Author(s): Pidabi Gnabana
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Action research on urban health centers in Goma city (Eastern DRC): Attraction area and patient profile
[ Recherche-action sur les centres de santé médicalisés urbains dans la ville de Goma (Est de la RDC): Bassin d’attraction et profil de la patientèle ]

Author(s): Jean-Bosco Kahindo Mbeva, Edgar Tsongo Musubao, Prudence Mitangala Ndeba, Jean Pierre Noterman, Paluku Bahwere, Robert Vutsopire Kipumo, Levis Kahandukya Nyavanda, Aimé Kambale Saruti, and Denis Porignon
RD Congo
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