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Makindu Kizibisha Darius
Makindu Kizibisha Darius
Professeur à la faculté de sciences sociales: Relations Internationales de l’Université Pédagogique Nationale, RD Congo
Documents: 2
Document title
Teaching-learning and scientific awakening in chemistry: Case of chemical elements in primary and nursery school [ Enseignement-apprentissage et éveil scientifique en chimie: Cas des éléments chimiques à l’école primaire et maternelle ]
Author(s): Mpunga Kalota Gloria , Kapenga Kasongo Jean-Jacques , Ikolongo Befembo Jean Pierre , Mubedi Ilunga Josué , Biyavanga Bikindu Joseph , Loba Charlotte , Fele-Fele Mafuta , Mwika Kalanga Adolphine , Malongo N’Kodia Nkutu Pierre , Mukendi Wa Mpoyi Pierre , Makindu Kizibisha Darius , Indenge Y’Essambalaka Joseph , Pongi Nzita Kinkela Jérôme , and Likotelo Binene Camile
This thesis allowed us to realize that chemical elements can be well mastered by very young children thanks to a method of well-arranged didactic bridges, i.e. from concrete everyday examples to chemical concepts usually taught at the highest levels.
41 (3) , pp. 897-902
Teaching-learning and scientific awakening in chemistry: Case of chemical elements in primary and nursery school (The structure of the atom) [ Enseignement-apprentissage et éveil scientifique en chimie: Cas des éléments chimiques à l’école primaire et maternelle (La structure de l’atome) ]
Author(s): Mpunga Kalota Gloria , Kapenga Kasongo Jean-Jacques , Ikolongo Befembo Jean Pierre , Mubedi Ilunga Josué , Biyavanga Bikindu Joseph , Loba Charlotte , Fele-Fele Mafuta , Mwika Kalanga Adolphine , Malongo N’Kodia Nkutu Pierre , Mukendi Wa Mpoyi Pierre , Makindu Kizibisha Darius , Indenge Y’Essambalaka Joseph , Pongi Nzita Kinkela Jérôme , and Likotelo Binene Camile
This thesis allowed us to realize that chemical elements can be well mastered by very young children thanks to a method of well-arranged didactic bridges, i.e. from concrete everyday examples to chemical concepts usually taught at the highest levels.
41 (3) , pp. 903-909
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies (IJIAS)
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